Home Hair Oil Rinse Wash N Go

Oil Rinse Wash N Go

by Evenes Ruth Mafupa

Hey. Hope you had a restful holiday and you are ready for 2014. Mine was very restful and I kind of shut down all functions related to work, the blog and the online shop. So here I am, well rested and full of energy for the new year. I however did not neglect my hair during the holidays. I continued to give it the best care I can possibly give to it and I would remember this blog and the need to share the stuff I was doing to my hair so I still took some pics and recorded a few videos. One of the things I did was wear my hair in a wash n go. Yey, I finally did it.

So this is what I did. I co-washed my hair and did an oil-rinse whilst I was still in the shower. I used about 50ml of Extra Virgin Olive oil. After applying the oil to my dripping wet hair, I rinsed it off using only water. I then wrapped a T-shirt round my hair to get rid of the excess water. After about 5 minutes, I removed the T-shirt and applied some leave-in conditioner on my hair, tied a band round my hairline, pulled it back a bit and let it air dry without touching it further. And these are the results

my texture

my texture


manufactured texture

manufactured texture





IMG_1595I loved my wash n go and the liberty to go to the mall for shopping with my hair out whilst it air-dried and not in chunky twists which do not look so nice most of the times. I however think I put way too much oil in it because even after my hair completely dried, it looked wet and anything it got in contact with was left with oil stains. I ended up co-washing my hair again that night before going to bed and this time I did not use too much oil and I also chunky twisted my hair for the night. So my wash n go lasted a few hours only. Um. Next time, I am sure it will last me at least two days.

Have a blessed year ahead.


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