Home Hair Transitioning Without The Big Chop: My Natural Hair Story

Transitioning Without The Big Chop: My Natural Hair Story

by Evenes Ruth Mafupa

So, 3 years ago today, the 8th of January, I slapped that relaxer on my hair and I knew even then, it would be my last relaxer. I had read enough blogs on natural hair and I knew my mind was ready for it. I relaxed my hair again for this last time  and even with straight hair, I told myself I was now on the road to natural hair. I could not even toy with the idea of cutting my hair for personal reasons so for me, a long transition was my only option. I was geared up for it. And now, three years later, I am so so glad I decided to grow my hair natural

Then, it was just the love for natural hair but looking at it now, it is way bigger than I thought. I am kind of seeing the bigger picture and so many aspects of my life have been somehow touched by that decision made some three years ago to grow natural hair. I look at myself more differently now. I have more respect of myself as a woman and I am definitely less judgmental of other women. I also managed to release my creative self in many ways and now write on this blog and create natural products for African hair to help myself and other women to achieve a healthy mane of hair that I now realize is so possible to have.

You see, I had made several attempts to grow natural hair and failed dismally mainly because after about a year or two, I would get stuck and my hair would become excessively dry and start breaking and I would relax my hair, thinking my relaxed days were much better than sitting with dry, brittle hair that just does not grow but seems to be getting shorter all the time. So it was during one of my relaxed hair days when I received mail from Sunshine Abuwi about  interesting reads on Natural Sunshine that I started growing a renewed interest in growing natural hair again because at this time, I had kind of given up on my hair. I had signed  up on Natural Sunshine some time back when I was thinking of going natural but at this moment, I had honestly forgotten about it. It was nice of her to write and send those emails because it awakened my desire for natural hair. So I clicked and never stopped clicking. I read so many blogs, watched so many vlogs and with the knowledge I now had, I made that decision that I would take it on and I did.

Now when I look back, time seems to have flown so fast. I am so grateful to the ladies who inspired me to embark on this journey, the ladies who took time to write down their natural hair experiences, tips, recipes and did videos as well to inspire people like me that it is indeed possible to grow beautiful and healthy natural hair. I write this with a hope of making my own contribution to this same cause. The cause of growing natural hair.

Many thanks and be blessed always

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Angela Mk 27 January 2014 - 13:34

Thank you sister Ruth for the video,,,,,,,I have been natural for the past 20 years but always used heat especially hot tongs and flat irons,,,,,,,decided to look after my hair the healthy way last year in June and I have seen tremendous growth,,,,,saw your blog last week on Facebook and I was hooked……..my hair was really damaged especially the ends and they all broke……had to keep it in cornrows and twists……will never regret abstaining using heat everyday…I’m loving my kinks and coils….

Ruth Mafupa 29 January 2014 - 09:54

Thank you so much for sharing Angela. It is true. Heat for some is a no no. I also use heat very sparingly because I know the damage that it can cause to my hair. Thank you again.

Gurjender singh 22 March 2014 - 12:43

Thank you for sharing valuable information. Nice post. I enjoyed reading this post. The whole blog is very nice found some good stuff and good information here Thanks..Also visit my page curly hair .

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