I received a call on my cellphone and there and then, when the operator told me to hold on for the nursing sister at the hospital you were at, I knew there was something wrong. The nursing sister came on the line and asked me if I was close and could come to the hospital. I said I would be right on my way but my heart was pounding I could not even think straight already.
Most people who knew you at work were sick worried about you. In all the years we have worked there, not once were you ever sick. Too sick to miss a day of work. You were the one who took other people’s places when they could not come to work because they were sick. So, being admitted to hospital made everyone anxious. At first I was like, why are people so anxious? People get admitted to hospital all the time and in this case, now that they know you are diabetic and need to watch what you eat and all, you would be fine. You were only admitted so they could monitor your sugar levels otherwise, if people would see you, they would see that you were fine now. One of the ladies came to me and said, “How is she? I am so worried about her” I said “Yesterday she was fine. But I’m going to see her this afternoon” Pass my love to her. Will you? “Of course I will.” I said. Little did I know I would receive a call about an hour later
You’re gone now. No more to laugh, to walk and chat endlessly with me on all matters that touch our lives. You were the longest serving employee at Natural Moisture. When I started Natural Moisture, you were here. Operating from our very tiny store room in Kelvin, You answered emails, phone calls and served customers selflessly. You saw Natural Moisture grow from its infancy to where it is now and you had a hand and contributed immensely to what Natural Moisture stands for. Now you are gone and we have to figure out how to do a lot of things. We’re going to stumble and fall I know but we will rise again, time after time and try harder to do it right. Thankfully, you used to write things down, as if you knew that you needed to, so we would be able to find our way when you are gone.
You are my sister and friend and I mourn your passing on with much grief because you were one of the closest people to me. I used to go to work so I could speak to you. Not on work matters only. Mostly on private matters let me say. You always gave an honest mind on things. You were a very seasoned woman whom I could count on anytime. My children used to go to your home for weekends and so did your son to my home. You were family and I have no way of describing the loss I feel. I have lost a friend, a sister and a main member of the Natural Moisture Team. We used to call you Boss Lady, Manager. In my mind, I can see your smile when we called you that. I miss you now!
What we have now is memories of your smile, laughter and the lessons you taught us. No doubt you impacted a lot of lives. Those you came in contact with, you impacted big time. I remember one time we went to Fahrenheit Seafood & Grill for our end of year function. We all had planned on not passing for desert that night, and the portions there are so much, we all got doggie packs for our main meals and then went on to order desert. The people dining at the next table took notice of this. (they could not help it. We were so loud and laughing carelessly. the real African way.) And this guy said, “No one is having desert because you all didn’t finish your food” Both tables broke into laughter and we were like, “Today we can. We are allowed” There was such a joyful atmosphere and tell you what? We enjoyed our desert too. And then those people who walk into restaurants and sell you stuff, you know, those who come with teddy bears, flowers and the like, the in-app purchases of restaurants, came in. The same guy bought 2 roses. He gave one to you and said the other one was for his wife, (who was present) because his wife would kill him if he only bought for you. I shall bath in memories of your life and believe you me, I have lots. I miss you now though. So so much it pains.
“Miss you so much now already Greater. It’s so painful you have no idea how. Our loss, heaven’s gain. You were a child of God so I know, it’s until we meet again on the other side. Go well dear friend, dear sister. Famba zvakanaka shamwari.
(Thank you to all those who have sent messages of comfort. I really appreciate. My heart goes out to her family, her children. There is nothing worse than losing your mom especially at a young age. I pray for God’s strength and comfort. to be with them. I grieve but I can only imagine the pain they are going through.)