Home Hair 2016 length check

2016 length check

by Evenes Ruth Mafupa
length check on natural hair

length check on natural hair

Hey guys. So this is my 2016 Hair length check. I have not done a length check in a long time and since I was about to start a finger detangling challenge, I thought it best to start with a length check as part of my annual hair update which I was filming on the same day.  I know, if you have watched both videos, you’ll notice that I’m wearing the same clothes in both videos. As if that’s not enough, I recorded a third video that same day while I was styling my hair. I hope to edit it soon and get it out to you guys. Thumbs crossed. This video was recorded in January 2016 by the way so bear with me.

So here is the vid. Don’t forget to thumbs up and please do subscribe.

Cheers and blessings

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Mvumikazi 5 February 2016 - 19:04

wow. lovely shiny healthy thick hair. I need to re-evaluate my hair regimen and goals in general.
This has to be the year of lit for e and my hair. I can’t keep crying about not seeing the results i didn’t put the work in for.

Mvumikazi ~ Urban Mnguni ~

Ruth Mafupa 6 February 2016 - 08:52

Thanks Mvumikazi

Sarah 14 February 2016 - 04:47

Great hair Ruth. You can check out my blog on http://www.sarafinny.com

Leesa 20 April 2016 - 05:24

Hi dear.
Trust this finds you well. My hair is giving me issues because I am not sure which hair products to use. Help me

Ruth Mafupa 20 April 2016 - 13:45

It’s a matter of trial and error my dear. You just need to get a cleanser, conditioner, a leave in conditioner, a moisturising cream or butter and/or oil. Take note of the ingredients in your products as well to see which ones are not working and which ones are. You can also try base products so that you can pin point the ones your hair likes. The likes of olive oil, shea butter, mango butter, avocado butter and the like for the final application.

Kamogelo 31 October 2016 - 09:15

Hi Ruth

I have nice long and thick hair, the only problem i have is the hairline, i am even tempted to cut my hair to start afresh.

What products should I use to fix my hairline.

Ruth Mafupa 1 November 2016 - 13:03

It’s more than products hey. Firstly, find out what caused the damage on the hairline and avoid doing it again. Then you can talk of products like Castor oil and Feso which are tried and tested when it comes to helping with inflammation of the hairline thereby allowing your scalp to heal and start growing healthy hair. I hope that helps.

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