Home Hair Grow to love it… Meet Jane A Nyanga Naturalista

Grow to love it… Meet Jane A Nyanga Naturalista

by Evenes Ruth Mafupa

For some people, having long hair does not involve a lot of do’s and don’t’s. They do not do numerous DIY sessions just to keep their hair still attached to their scalp and rely entirely on a stylist (tried and tested I think) at a trusted salon. I wish I was one of those because it seems I have developed  a phobia  for someone handling my hair. I really hope I will grow out of it because I really do believe there are a lot of stylist who really care and know how to deal with natural hair out there. Finding one can be the first step. Will be working on it. Any how, Jane happens to be one of those extremely blessed ladies and she sent Natural Sisters photos and shares her natural hair journey as she is our Natural Sister Feature for today.

What’s your name and where are you from?

Jane Tendesayi Nyamandwe.  I’m from Nyanga but currently living in Beitbridge,  Zimbabwe.

What is your hair type?

Natural kinky, type 4


Jane Tendesayi Nyamandwe


Jane Tendesayi Nyamandwe

When did you go natural and what made you do it?

Grew it out natural since 2007. Was very negligent about hair didn’t like the idea of retouches. It’s 7 years old.

What was the most challenging thing about going natural?

Combing and tying it

What are your hair goals?

Allow it to grow to its fullest potential

What is your weekly regimen?

My hair is in a weave most of the time so I don’t do much to it. I just brush my weave and rush to work. I also go to the salon and also have one reliable backyard/freelance hairdresser. I have one permanent hairdresser Chipo Simango at Exquisite hair studio..in Harare street. 

What does your “wash day” involve?


Jane Tendesayi Nyamandwe

 I just wash it once a month when I get a new hair do since it shrinks a lot. I go to the salon and my stylist shampoos it then conditions, rinses then blow dries because  if it air dries, we won’t be able to comb it.

How do you wear your hair most days?


What is your “go to” hairstyle?

Freeze with hairpiece

Do you use heat on your hair at all?


Jane Tendesayi Nyamandwe

All the time,

Wide-tooth comb, finger de-tangling or Denman brush?

Wide tooth followed by a small one to remove the knots

Is your hair normally loose or in a protective-do?


What are your “must have” products?

Afro comb, small comb and a scrunch. I don’t use any particular hair food. But I go for common and ancient products.  I’m very comfortable with Vaseline. When I have a hairpiece on I go for olive oil or some common hair sprays.  I fear these growth stimulating substances on the market. Or hair strengthening stuff.

Have you ever had a hair tragedy? What was it? How did you recover from it?

Neglected my hair in winter. After straightening it. Back and side hair fell off. I plaited it without unplaiting for a while.

What’s your biggest tip for maintaining healthy or long hair?


Jane Tendesayi Nyamandwe

Dedicate enough time. Never think you are wasting time on it. Understand it. Believe it’s unique. Grow to love it despite its weaknesses.

Any social sites where people can find you?

Facebook,  LinkedIn, …Jane Nyamandwe

Twitter…. Jane Teen N



Thanks Jane for taking the time to share your story and your hair is beautiful and thriving.

Do you have a hair story that you would like to share? Do drop Natural Sisters an email and you will be featured on this blog. I am sure your story will inspire someone and the more the better.

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