It is a Saturday morning and I am at Woodmead Shopping Center in Northern Johannesburg. I have a number of errands I need to do and quickly go home and be with my boys. I have just left Dischem Pharmacy and I am rushing down towards Ackermans to get some playing clothes for the boys. I pass by Debonair’s Pizza and right there through the window something amazing catches my attention. I stop. Yes a complete stop. Could that be it, yes it is. It is hey. It is her hair. I am like wow! So much hair, so thick, so full. I tell myself I am going to have to go and speak to her. Or maybe just to say “Hi.” Just then, she stands up, clutches her handbag and walks towards the exit.
“Okay Ruth, your chance” I meet her and the other lady she is with at the exit. I hesitate a bit, then I manage to say “Hi, I like your hair” She is stunned at first and then she says, “Aaw thank you.” I hesitate again on whether I should I ask her or not. I figure out the worst she can say is a straight no. That would not hurt me right? So I take up courage to go ahead and ask her. “Can I take you some pictures for my blog?” Now I have never done this to complete strangers so please understand my fear. My request takes her back, and surprise is written all over her face. I quickly step in again and tell her a bit about my blog on natural hair and she says, “As long as you will not write something negative about my hair” “Of course not, I assure her. I am a natural myself and although I am in twists right now, this is how my hair looks like most days.” I show her a pic on my phone. I don’t blame her, someone in Walton’s had just asked me if it was my hair or I had put extensions in.
After seeing my hair, her stance is softer and she agrees happily to pose for some photos. We start talking in a more relaxed manner and I learn that the other lady is in fact her daughter and happens to be natural as well although her hair is in braids. The mother’s name is Ivy and the daughter is Mpho.
I take my photos, I give them my site address and I take Mpho’s email address so I can also send them the pics. We part ways and I am really proud of myself that I managed to do it. Not so scary after all. Enjoy the photos of a mother and daughter, wearing their hair natural in Jozi. Thanks again Ivy and Mpho Shwatja.
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Wow beautiful hair!!! I’m also natural after losing my hairline and struggling to gain back. I don want a chemical in my hair anymore.
This is really beautiful..and my mom and I are still natural to this day.
We love our hair!!!
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