Home Hair Curls With Flexi Rods. No Heat

Curls With Flexi Rods. No Heat

by Evenes Ruth Mafupa

June 2013

I love them, I love them, I love them. Flexi rods are so great and I really love them.

I set my hair with flexi rods recently and thought to share it with you. I had been seeing flexi rods for some time in Dischem  but was not sure on whether to buy them or not. I thought my hair was too short to use them because the videos I had watched on them were on much longer hair. However, two weeks ago, on a beautiful Saturday morning I decided to buy 3 packs of 5 and try them out. That night, I curled my hair with the new flexi rods but they were too few (15 in total) to cover my whole head so I only did my bangs and one side. I banded the rest of my hair to keep it stretched. I sprayed a bit of water mixed with Aloe Vera juice and applied Shea butter before rolling my hair with the flexi rods. Put my satin scarf on and went to bed.

My hair in flexi rods

My hair in flexi rods

And these were the results on the Sunday morning. Needless to say, I will be using flexi rods to curl my hair again soon. Maybe I will buy some more to cover my entire head next time


And the back!

And the back!

Have you used flexi rods on your hair before? Please share your experience in the comments section below. Better still, send some pictures to my email with the subject, “flexi Rods” and we will publish them here on the blog.

Much love, stay blessed.

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Eve 1 July 2013 - 11:55

where can i get flexi rods in SA, i have been looking for a while

Ruth Mafupa 1 July 2013 - 12:05

Got mine from Dischem. Check them out if you don’t find any, am sure we can try and get them for you here. They go for R20 a pack of 5.

mbali 22 October 2013 - 09:36

Which discem did you buy them from as i called one in my area and dey have neva heard of dem.
Is there an alternative place where i can get them as well

Ruth Mafupa 22 October 2013 - 14:20

Maybe they don’t know the name flexi rods. I went and checked in the dischem at Greenstone mall. They are called rollers foam. They were however not a lot left.

MaiMelissa 3 July 2013 - 09:55

were do you get these in Australia?

buccie 24 August 2013 - 15:14

R20 for a pack of 5 I need 15 rods den…. plzzzz i need dem

curlywhirly 9 May 2014 - 21:19

I have been looking for these for the last month. Didn’t know Dischem sold them. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information with us. Now I won’t have to re-wet or wash my hair everyday to have well-defined curls.

Ruth Mafupa 12 May 2014 - 07:29

Only a pleasure dear

Ester 4 February 2016 - 08:37

I recently cut my hair off so I have a TWA at the moment does anybody know where I can get perm rods that people use to do s curls with??? my TWA is growing and the wash & go I do daily with deep conditioner isn’t looking so fleek any longer so I would like to do a dry perm, help a sister out please.

Ruth Mafupa 5 February 2016 - 06:31

Natural Moisture normally stocks them. http://www.natmoisture.co.za

Mirle 28 November 2016 - 16:03

I have a problem with curling my hair. Will these curling my hair. Will these flexy rods make my hair curl natural again without using heat. Can u please tell me where i can go buy it and what product i need to use to curl my hair. I need to get that natural curl back into my hair without using heat. Your help will be much apreciated

Ruth Mafupa 29 November 2016 - 07:54

Hi Mirle. Flexi rods will definitely curl your hair if it is long enough to curl around the rod. How long the curl will last depends on humidity, the texture of your hair and what product you use before curling. But it is not a natural curl. You can use products that instill moisture, then seal the moisture in. Don’t use products with humectants like glycerine when styling your hair so that the curls stay in your hair longer. You can get them from Dischem. I use whipped Shea butter Twist & Shine just before using flexi rods. You can use any serum, oil or even a silicone serum.

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