Home Hair Simple Hair Style

Simple Hair Style

by Evenes Ruth Mafupa

There are days when I just won’t be bothered about much hair handling especially if I have a lot of things to do on my schedule. Such a day was yesterday. I wore this hairstyle mainly because I was busy and it was a day before wash day so I thought of just putting my hair up into a bun. But there was a problem. Not a new problem though but something I was hoping had resolved. This problem is, my hair is not long enough to hold it all in a bun at the back of my head. And since I did not want a high bun, I had to make do with this “twist” to the bun and I mean it literally. Today I want to  share with you how I went around doing this to come up with something with the length that I have. This style is also great as a protective style because the ends are tucked away and protected from the weather elements.




What I did was this:

  • I started off with an old twist out and I kept my hair somehow stretched out using the banding method for the night.
  • Sprayed my entire head with water and
    pplied some whipped Shea Butter to the
  • ends mainly.
  • Parted my hair into three sections as shown in the pics
  • Flat twisted the two front sections.
  • Took a scrunch/pony holder and put the back section into a bun
  • Took another scrunch to hold the ends of the front twists into the bun
  • Used pins to tuck the ends of my hair on the bun in
  • Smoothed the edges using a tooth brush
  • Tied a satin scarf for about 20 minutes to smoothen the edges some more

There it was. I was ready to go and it took me under 5 minutes to do. My ends were moisturized and tucked away for the day and for the night too because I only took down the bun when I co-washed my hair this morning.

Till then

Be Blessed


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