You know I have been on a Healthy, Thicker Longer hair challenge since the beginning of March 2014 and I have been posting weekly updates that became fortnightly and now I think once every month is more sustainable as I have other stuff to post on besides my hair escapades. So, I am going to round up April which is my second month on the #HTL hair challenge in this post and my next update will be towards the end of May 2014 with a length check as well. So far so good I can say although there are a number of frustrations and setback here and there. However, my hair is improving quite a lot and I have a lot of new growth which is much thicker and healthier. Am so excited already for how my hair will be like after 6 months or 12 months. For some background on this hair challenge, please read, #HTL Hair challenge. As I said my hair is improving and my edges are growing in as well. It kind of feels like transitioning because I am dealing with two different textures already, as in one which is massively thick and the other quite weak and fragile. Although this development brings joy to me, it has brought with it some challenges which I will discuss in a bit. I am not doing any length check this far. I will only do at the end of May which will mark my end of month 3 on this challenge. Not sure if it is some placebo thing going on, but I do feel my hair is indeed growing thicker and longer.
natural hair styles
Hey folks. I am loving how my hair appears fuller in this all-week-raining going on in Johannesburg. At least today there is some sunshine but the air is quite humid and my tresses are loving it. Oh forgot to mention, I was in twists, kind of medium twists for about a week and a half. I took them out last night and am wearing my hair out today. What I loved about the twists I had this time is they took me about an hour to install and less than an hour to take down. Because I only had them in for a short period of time, it took less than 30 minutes to decently detangle using a leave-in conditioner. Yes I was really sad to take them down so soon. I will explain later. First, this is how I am wearing my hair today. Kind of love the body and how my hair feels in this humid weather. My hair feels soft, well moisturised, healthy and everything just feels so good. This is the love part of my relationship with humid weather
Hey you all. When I was styling my hair for the birthday giveaway video last week, I recorded it so that I can show you how I did the style. This easy updo can be done on medium length to long hair. By medium length I mean hair that is no longer a TWA. They are a few variations to this twist and tuck updo which has become my go to style on old twist outs and I will try and do tutorials on them soon.
Stay well, thumbs up the video, subscribe for more videos and be blessed.
There are days when I just won’t be bothered about much hair handling especially if I have a lot of things to do on my schedule. Such a day was yesterday. I wore this hairstyle mainly because I was busy and it was a day before wash day so I thought of just putting my hair up into a bun. But there was a problem. Not a new problem though but something I was hoping had resolved. This problem is, my hair is not long enough to hold it all in a bun at the back of my head. And since I did not want a high bun, I had to make do with this “twist” to the bun and I mean it literally. Today I want to share with you how I went around doing this to come up with something with the length that I have. This style is also great as a protective style because the ends are tucked away and protected from the weather elements.
My protective style of choice. What is protective styling one may ask? Well, there are a lot of definitions out there of what constitutes protective styling but to me, it is when I minimise the exposure of my hair to the weather elements and hair rubbing on my clothes especially my ends. Hair ends are the oldest part of the hair shaft and are dryer because they are further away from the scalp which produces the sebum that lubricates (oils) the hair.