Today we have Serati Maseko in the house, giving us a glimpse of her natural hair journey and regimen. Yaay!! I have known Serati for some time now and she has such a sweet presence and a real pleasure to be around. She is so humble, easy going, very friendly and so beautiful. So is her hair. Read on and enjoy, comment, share and like. Share the love.
mixtress in the kitchen
As you may know, Natural Sisters hosted a hair meet-up on the 7th of December 2013 together with Fatsani and Serati. It was a blast and The Lord blessed our quest to meet each other and share the knowledge on our natural hair. It was an unexpected success with all the glitches and time changes and all. However, some wonderful ladies managed to come and we had lot’s of fun and we discussed everything hair. The food, though not over the moon, was okay. Maybe I was expecting too much with the way Boston BBQ gets so filled with people and it is so difficult to find a booking. Anyway, we had a wonderful time and a Big Thank you to all attendees.
I cannot believe we are almost at the end of 2013. This year passed so fast if you ask me or maybe that’s what happens as you get older. Throughout this year, one thing I wanted so much was to have an opportunity to meet other naturals for some hair talk and fun. And before we welcome 2014, I am glad the chance to meet you is here and we are having a hair meet up. Woohoo!!!