I also can’t believe it that the Jozi Natural Hair Meet up is done and gone. I was so busy in the past weeks preparing for this meet up and you guys it is a lot of work. Thanks to those who came for indeed my efforts and those of other members of the organising committee did not go to waste. We had a fabulous time. There was so much to talk about. Hey, there is always so much to talk about when it comes to hair.
Vilakazi street
So many people have emailed me, messaged and even called me requesting a hair meet up for local naturals. Because of my studies, which I have finished, or at least for the time being, I could not host any events earlier in the year. Hosting is a lot of work and trust me, the brain works even more trying to think things over and over on how best to do it. Anyway, I and 3 more ladies managed to arrange one for the 22nd of November 2014 and the tickets are only available online at Quicket. It is going to be a brunch at a local Cafe, Thrive Cafe on Vilakazi street in Soweto to be precise.