Don’t get me wrong. I love my boys so much. But I still miss being a mum to a little girl and somehow, my blessings didn’t come exactly packaged that way. That does not stop them from being blessings does it? The reason I miss this is because I have been blessed with several talents like, sewing, baking, hair dressing and more. These would have been put to better use if there was always a girl around. My younger sister on the other hand is not particularly gifted in all these and guess what? She has two girls. (We always laugh about it) And that’s alright because I have them as my nieces and my creativity is mostly spent on her girls and other nieces from my husband’s family. But me being in South Africa and most of them being in Zimbabwe, Malawi and abroad, that does not help any matters because I rarely see my nieces and when I do, be guaranteed I will ask to do their hair.