Coconut Milk
Did you know that coconut milk is actually good for your hair. Well it is. I discovered it when I had unwanted coconut milk in our fridge. My husband had bought it weeks earlier when he wanted to experiment with adding coconut milk to coffee. After a few sips of his brew of coffee, he made up his mind that his taste buds did not agree with it. So the rest of the coconut milk was left unwanted in the fridge. On my hair wash day, I opened the fridge to see what I could use. Since I am transitioning, I have also been experimenting a lot with products that I can find in my kitchen and use on my hair a lot. I had been using coconut oil in my daily spritz mixture so I thought of searching for coconut milk and hair on the net. (I did not want to try it before finding out if it’s beneficial for my hair and reading/hearing other naturals’ testimonials.) I found out that I could do a coconut rinse after shampooing and conditioning.