A follower of this blog wrote me an email this week and her question was, “Why do you use a T-shirt and not a towel?” I thought about it for a while as I do with all the questions you guys ask me so that I don’t go about feeding you poison. This is one question I had not specifically answered for myself. I also had not asked it. I just followed. I saw it on blogs and vlogs and tried it on my hair. It worked and so I continued to use a T-shirt instead of a towel to bloat out excess water from my hair after washing. It was working very well and I was not even bothered to find out why this is so. Thanks Mapule for asking the question. You helped me to go back to researching and finding out more on this practice that so many in the natural, curly, kinky world have adopted.
Let me start from the basics in case you have not heard. It is bad hair practice to rub anything on your wet hair in an attempt to dry it after washing. Rubbing will give you split ends and out the door go your length retention dreams. Instead, gently squeezing the excess water out is the thing to do. This can be achieved by wrapping whatever you are using to bloat the excess water on your hair and waiting for about 15 to 20 minutes while the water slowly seeps out. And, an even better practice is to use a T-shirt. I can hear someone say “Come on, what do you mean? A T-shirt?” Yes the good old T-shirt. But wait let me explain…