I had not used rollers to stretch my hair since January 2011. But recently, I decided to dust off my rollers and use them one more time. As you can tell from the post title, I didn’t like my results. In the past, I used to stretch natural hair with way better results. So this time time, I was expecting the same. I know now what caused the flop but then, when I was styling my hair, I was oblivious to the fact that I risk having my hair look like this given my choice of products. I am sharing this with you so that you don’t feel discouraged when your intended hairstyle does not come out the way you wanted it or visioned it. I have those moments so many times and often, as a blogger, I tend to show you the ones that came out really nice forgetting that in real life, flops are part of the package. And I am also hopping you don’t make the same mistake I did as I will tell you what caused my hair not to stretch fully.
The wash and conditioning of my hair went really well and instead of blow drying for straighter hair, which is what I wanted, I opted to use spiky rollers. All went well but the leave-in conditioner that I used has glycerin in it. It does not have much. And I know now that just a bit of glycerin in my styling products will produce this. Now, this product is perfectly fine on wash’n’go’s, twist outs and braid outs because it makes my hair feel so soft for days. But for straight hair, umm, I have to look elsewhere. Next time I will try whipped Shea butter. If you know of a product that is close to natural as possible and is good for straight hair, let me know in the comments.
This is the process I followed with the hope of straighter hair the next day

1~ set hair in rollers
2 ~ Removed rollers, hair looking awesome
3 ~ wrapped my hair to preserve straightness
4 ~ Covered hair with a scarf to protect hair and preserve style
5 ~ Next morning. Had to put it up in a high puff
So when my hair turns out like this, a pinned style or a high bun/puff is normally my go to style and I will wear that style with so much confidence you will think that was the planned style all along.
Thank you for reading this far. That’s all from me and please follow my more up to date posts on Instagram and twitter on @ruthmafupa and Facebook on Natural Sisters. Did you know I have an online shop that sells products for natural hair? Well, now you know. From Shea butter to satin scarfs and bonnets. We all that at Natural Moisture. We deliver all over the country as well. shop at www.natmoisture.co.za We’re actually running a special on all Shea butter products until end of October. SO hurry and get your Shea butter today
Have a blessed weekend and keep smiling. Smiles are infectious. You will definitely change a life whilst you are at it.