As discussed in a this post, garlic is very beneficial to our hair when applied topically as well. It smells quite a lot and it is up to you to decide whether you would want to add garlic to your hair care regimen. There goes the warning so don’t you say I didn’t warn you. For persons like myself, who enjoy garlic in food or even ingesting it raw, the heavy scent is not a problem so deciding to use garlic was not that hard. Felt bad for my family because they have to put up with me smelling garlic for some hours every week or even twice a week. Anyway, such is life.
There are a lot of DIY hair treatments around and after being natural for over two years, I thought I had tried them all. I am quite a junky when it comes to trying these home made treatments and once I read about them and the benefits, I always want to try it out. apparently, I had not tried the black tea rinse until recently. And the reason I tried the black tea treatment or rinse rather for my hair was because I felt that my hair was still shedding from post-natal effects. So in a bid to arrest that, I saw on a number of blogs about the benefits of doing a black tea rinse which included just “what the doctor ordered” and who was I to deny these benefits to my mane. So I tried it out. For those who do not know the benefits yet, let me dwell on that just a bit.